Friday, October 26, 2012

Feature Friday - Photographer Angela Healy of Linabell Photography

Linabell Photography, Saint Michael, Albertville, Rogers, Minnesota Area.

What can I say about Angie from Linabell Photography? Well, she is one of the nicest people you will ever meet (plus look how gorgeous she is, right?)!! I have been lucky enough to have her take photos of my kids a few times and have been more than happy with her work. Many many canvases and prints of Ms. Angie's work hang in my home and I LOVE every piece.

<<Beware>>> Cuteness overload with this boy!!!>>Ok, he is mine, but true>Below is a photo of my little guy Kole at his one year photo shoot with Angie!
 More stunning photos and more recent work from Linabell Photography below.

 What inspires you? I'm inspired daily by so many different things. A forest that I drive by, a card that I see at the store, love, a song that makes me tear up, an outfit or a prop, my kids, other kids and babies in general... all these things and so much more inspire me. Babies and kids with their chubbiness, their smiles, their giddiness, and that they wear their emotions on their face. I love that you know what they're feeling because they show that. I love capturing that real emotion.

What are your favorite props?- My favorite props change all the time because I get sick of things so quickly! Right now I've got this great newborn wood bowl that I've been obsessing over and a vintage stroller I picked up from another photographer. Props I'm always on the hunt for are cool old crates and vintage chairs, especially velvet or tufted... bonus if I find one that is both! smile

What is your favorite part of creating handmade stuff?
- I think handmade anything shows your own style and self, even if it's inspired by something else you saw or found. I am definitely not opposed to buying things already made! Lord knows I don't have the time to scratch the surface of my DIY list, but when I do get the time (or MAKE the time I should say), I love creating something and then photographing with it, whether it's a hat, headband, leggings, or whatever it is I envisioned. I love putting together a styled look and styled session. It is so rewarding when it comes across the way you want it to in the end! It just FEELS good smile

What are your favorite materials?- Favorite materials... Hmmm... I would say my favorite materials are anything organic. I am loving twine and rope and sticks/branches right now; feathers and a little bit of paint... I've got a couple things stirring around in my head I'm anxious to get the time to work on.

Apart from photography and creating things, what do you do?- Apart from photography, I am a mother, a daughter, a child of the Lord, a runner, a dreamer, someone who loves to learn and read and listen to music that speaks to my soul. I do as many things as I can find the time to do! Always a busy body... just never enough hours in the day.

Check out Angela's work on her Facebook page and show her some love. :)


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